Saturday, May 08, 2010

Nathaniel Sloan, Age 42....Jail Death Sept. 26, 2009

INFO TAKEN FROM VDT, Kay Harris Reporter, September 28, 2008

28 Jail Deaths: 1994-Sept. 2009:

Jailed Inmate Nathaniel Sloan, Age 42, was pronounced dead early Saturday Morning on September 26, 2009 in the Valdosta-Lowndes County Jail in the Medical facility.

1. Inmate Sloan had been arrested on July 13, 2009 on charges of burglary by the Valdosta Police Department, Sloan had presented himself to the medical facility with a fever, gad been isolated since the previous day, he was on medication.

2. The nurse had checked on him at 1:48 a.m. and he appeared to be doing fine, nurse came back to check on him 30 minutes later, he was not breathing properly, Nurse called the EMTs.

3. Sheriff Prine said Watson said he believed the death was due to “natural causes”, body will be going to Atlanta for an autopsy and results should be back in a day or two.

4. Sloan was examined and there was no trauma to the body according to
edical records, he had been through the dispensary several times, on September 13, and again on the 17th, with cold symptoms and a fever.

5. On September 25th he came back and he was being treated in the facility at the time of his death.

General Information: Watson said. Prine said Sloan lived with his grandmother, Bertha Phillips, in Valdosta and she was notified in person early Saturday morning. He also spoke with Sloan’s mother, Dorothy Sloan Hoffman, in Savannah, and his father, Jimmy Sloan, in Ocala, Fla.

“My sympathy goes out to this family. I did all I could to make sure that I tracked his family down to speak with them personally, and I’m sorry for their loss, ” Prine said.

The sheriff said there is no reason at this time to believe that Sloan had any sort of contagious flu or disease that could be spread to other inmates at the jail.

Retired United States Armed Forces
A concerned citizen and brother of humanity


THE VIDEO PART II. A Chorus of Fear (PART 2)

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